
The History of Pencey Preparatory School

Pencey Preparatory(Circa.1895)

Pencey Preparatory School was first founded by Most Rev. William Smith, Bishop of Pennsylvania , in 1888. After many location changes, it is established here by Most. Rev. Vincent Murphy, Bishop of Pennsylvania, who placed this foundation stone on 28th April 1889.

At this time, in most preparatory seminaries, in Pennsylvania were established, among them Pencey Preparatory, in Aggerstown. The driving force behind the establishment of the new college was Rev. William Smith. On September 5th 1888 Pencey Preparatory School was opened. The curriculum was made up of Logic and Divinity. It was a major seminary for those pursuing studies for the clergy. The first of many changes in location was not long coming and, within six months, by March 1889, Pencey moved from Chalkhill to Aggerstown,Where it has remained to this day

A wide range of subjects were on offer, including Music, Drawing, Painting and Dancing. A major change in the running of Pencey took place when Bishop Ronald Deven decided to remove the diocesan clergy from the School.

The Courtyard of the old Oseenburger Wing

Yes, Pencey Prep has seen many changes in its long and distinguished life, the most recent being the Closure of the Ossenbuger Memorial Wing in June 2004 but, what has never changed is its dedication to the highest standards and the care and concern shown by the staff for their students.